Hundreds of hopefulls lined up yesterday to get a shot to appear on the next cylce of America's Next Top Model.
The auditions were held yesterday (sponsored by the CW Network)at the Drexel Theatre at Gateway Campus located at 155o North High Street. I caught up with a couple of the hopefulls Jennifer Wagner from Homesville Ohio, a 20 year old hoping to make it to the show with hopes of being ANTM. She describes her 2 hour drive and almost 4 hour wait as she sits in Theatre 1 waiting for her number to be called.
Ashley Austin of Columbus Ohio heard about the auditions on the radio and is hoping to make it to the show. The auditions started at 1pm and ran thru 7pm, with girls lining up as early as 6am. Some are being sent to get the right pictures, some are leaving as the wait is too long. An inside view of the Theatre shows girls sitting watching clips on the giant screen waiting for their number to be called to go to the audition room, where they record a 3 minute video clip of why they think they should be ANTM. 6pm rolls by and all the audition numbers are full, and here comes the bad news, that today we are done auditioning, the good news you can mail in your own application enclosed with a 3 minute video clip of why u should be ANTM, THE DREAM LIVES ON
so....did you see anyone there that you think could have a chance???
have any of the previous winners actually gone on to be sucsessful??
Ha! I was about to comment along the same lines as Coco. I find this show hysterical because no one has gotten a real career out of it, unless you count marrying a Brady as being a career.
Ha! I was about to comment along the same lines as Coco. I find this show hysterical because no one has gotten a real career out of it, unless you count marrying a Brady as being a career.
Sorry for double post :-(
this show's fun! but the models arent always fab):
lol, did not see any potentials
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